Run CohortContrast Analysis
Run CohortContrast Analysis
targetTable = NULL,
controlTable = NULL,
pathToResults = getwd(),
domainsIncluded = c("Drug", "Condition", "Measurement", "Observation", "Procedure",
"Visit", "Visit detail"),
prevalenceCutOff = 10,
topK = FALSE,
presenceFilter = 0.005,
lookbackDays = FALSE,
complementaryMappingTable = NULL,
runZTests = TRUE,
runLogitTests = TRUE,
runKSTests = TRUE,
getAllAbstractions = FALSE,
getSourceData = FALSE,
maximumAbstractionLevel = 5,
createOutputFiles = TRUE,
complName = NULL,
numCores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
safeRun = FALSE
- cdm
Connection to database
- targetTable
Table for target cohort (tbl)
- controlTable
Table for control cohort (tbl)
- pathToResults
Path to the results folder, can be project's working directory
- domainsIncluded
list of CDM domains to include
- prevalenceCutOff
numeric > if set, removes all of the concepts which are not present (in target) more than prevalenceCutOff times
- topK
numeric > if set, keeps this number of features in the analysis. Maximum number of features exported.
- presenceFilter
numeric > if set, removes all features represented less than the given percentage
- lookbackDays
FALSE or an integer stating the lookback period for cohort index date
- complementaryMappingTable
Mappingtable for mapping concept_ids if present, columns CONCEPT_ID, CONCEPT_NAME, NEW_CONCEPT_ID, NEW_CONCEPT_NAME, ABSTRACTION_LEVEL,
- runZTests
boolean for Z-tests
- runLogitTests
boolean for logit-tests
- runKSTests
boolean for Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests
- getAllAbstractions
boolean for creating abstractions' levels for the imported data, this is useful when using GUI and exploring data
- getSourceData
boolean for fetching source data
- maximumAbstractionLevel
Maximum level of abstraction allowed
- createOutputFiles
Boolean for creating output files, the default value is TRUE
- complName
Name of the output file
- numCores
Number of cores to allocate to parallel processing
- safeRun
boolean for only returning summarized data
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
control <- data.frame(
cohort_definition_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
subject_id = c(5325, 3743, 2980, 1512, 2168),
cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("1982-06-02", "1997-03-23",
"2004-09-29", "2006-08-11", "1977-06-25")),
cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2019-03-17", "2018-10-07",
"2018-04-01", "2017-11-29", "2018-11-22"))
target <- data.frame(
cohort_definition_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
subject_id = c(4804, 4861, 1563, 2830, 1655),
cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("1997-03-23", "1982-06-02",
"1977-06-25", "2006-08-11", "2004-09-29")),
cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2018-10-29", "2019-05-23",
"2019-04-20", "2019-01-14", "2019-05-24"))
control$cohort_definition_id = 100
target$cohort_definition_id = 500
cohort = rbind(control, target)
con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir = CDMConnector::eunomia_dir("GiBleed"))
DBI::dbExecute(con, "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS example")
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, DBI::SQL('"example"."cohort"'), cohort)
cdm <- CDMConnector::cdm_from_con(con, cdm_name = "eunomia",
cdm_schema = "main", write_schema = "main")
targetTable <- cohortFromCohortTable(cdm = cdm, db = con,
tableName = "cohort", schemaName = 'example', cohortId = 500)
controlTable <- cohortFromCohortTable(cdm = cdm, db = con,
tableName = "cohort", schemaName = 'example', cohortId = 100)
pathToResults = getwd()
data = CohortContrast(
targetTable = targetTable,
controlTable = controlTable,
domainsIncluded = c(
prevalenceCutOff = 0.1,
topK = FALSE,
presenceFilter = 0.005,
complementaryMappingTable = NULL,
runZTests = FALSE,
runLogitTests = FALSE,
createOutputFiles = FALSE,
numCores = 1
} # }